吼!小雪发出一声怒吼,顿时显出真身,只见天空当中一条长达十数丈的白色巨蛇,头上两个尖锐锋利的尖角,衬托着它的与众不同,一股源于洪荒般的古老气息伴随着小雪的怒吼扑面袭来!那擒住小雪的武者显然没有料到小雪的本体会这般巨大,也是唬得一愣。Set and filmed in Liverpool, This City is Ours is the story of Michael, a man who for all of his adult life has been involved in organised crime, working for his friend and the gang leader Ronnie. When Ronnie begins to hint at retirement, Michael too begins to imagine another life. Because, for the first time in his life, Michael is in love. For the first time in his life, he s...
Set and filmed in Liverpool, This City is Ours is the story of Michael, a man who for all of his adult life has been involved in organised crime, working for his friend and the gang leader Ronnie. When Ronnie begins to hint at retirement, Michael too begins to imagine another life. Because, for the first time in his life, Michael is in love. For the first time in his life, he sees beyond the day-to-day, he sees a future: something to win and something to lose - Diana.