贺亦轩看了看自家老爹才接过来,又是规规矩矩的道谢。这孩子这些年拿见面礼的时候多了,也很知道一些这东西的好坏,就现在手中的玉佩,自家虽然不缺,但却不是一般人能拿出来的。贺亦轩虽然只有五岁,但却是个机灵的,便猜到自家爹爹的这位朋友,肯定也是官场中人,比平时倒是表现的更加沉稳起来,打定主意不能让别人看了爹爹的笑话。贺文麒若是知道他的打算,定是哭笑不得,这孩子的心思怎么就这么多。A young nurse called Ana arrives at a small village where she is supposed to take care of a woman in a coma, Sara. Her husband, Augustin, picks her up and takes her to the mansion where Sara is, while explaining her what happen to his wife. But Ana’s job as a care provider soon presents itself with unexpected and mysterious challenges. A film coming from the well-known producti...
A young nurse called Ana arrives at a small village where she is supposed to take care of a woman in a coma, Sara. Her husband, Augustin, picks her up and takes her to the mansion where Sara is, while explaining her what happen to his wife. But Ana’s job as a care provider soon presents itself with unexpected and mysterious challenges. A film coming from the well-known production company from Barcelona, Filmax, already honoured in Fantasporto.